undeviating / verb ˈdi viˌeɪt; adjective, noun ˈdi vi ɪt /


undeviating4 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb

de·vi·at·ed, de·vi·at·ing.

  1. to turn aside, as from a route, way, course, etc.
  2. to depart or swerve, as from a procedure, course of action, or acceptable norm.
  3. to digress, as from a line of thought or reasoning.
v. 有主动词 verb

de·vi·at·ed, de·vi·at·ing.

  1. to cause to swerve; turn aside.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. characterized by deviation or departure from an accepted norm or standard, as of behavior.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a person or thing that departs from the accepted norm or standard.
  2. a person whose sexual behavior departs from the norm in a way that is considered socially or morally unacceptable.
  3. Statistics. a variable equal to the difference between a variate and some fixed value, often the mean.

undeviating 近义词


等同于 literal


等同于 purposeful


等同于 relentless


等同于 rigid


等同于 smooth


等同于 straight


等同于 unflagging


等同于 uniform


等同于 unwavering


等同于 invariant


等同于 planar


等同于 consistent


等同于 even


等同于 firm


等同于 fixed


  1. It draws a very strong red line for telco companies who try to deviate from the EU’s net neutrality rules.
  2. So you want to aim by default for the perfect portage in order to minimize wasted time, then deviate from it deliberately only when hunger or scenery or whatever calls for it.
  3. The new film already deviates from the original in other ways — it’s lost most of the songs, removed many of the comical aspects, and even jettisoned the original love story.
  4. But, in the hands of two Brits, playwright Alice Birch and director William Oldroyd, the story migrates to the UK as well as deviating from the novella’s ending.
  5. As lockdowns ease, there’s a willingness among many advertisers to deviate from their tried-and-tested media plans.
  6. We might not be off the mark nine out of 10 times, but we deviate plenty.
  7. Why have conservative jurists become so willing to deviate from an originalist viewpoint on the Second Amendment?
  8. The deer have regular runs, from which they rarely deviate, and which do not vary in the course of years.
  9. Might it not be the nature of bodies, or of some particular bodies, to deviate towards the right?
  10. I will not deviate in the least from the precepts and examples of the ancients, who were always our best masters.
  11. Ptolemy's and Pliny's versions, Diamouna and Jomanes, do not deviate much from the original.
  12. If he deviate only a few cents, the expert buyers of retail stores will know it and go elsewhere.