remorseful / rɪˈmɔrs fəl /


remorseful 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. full of remorse.
  2. characterized by or due to remorse: a remorseful mood.

remorseful 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

guilty, ashamed


  1. He is remorseful, and he does feel compelled now to do what he can to help his victims.
  2. Has he publicly stated that he is remorseful about his crimes?
  3. Now he claims he is remorseful and wants to help young people avoid repeating his mistakes.
  4. But the remorseful young men who are willing to appear in front of the Western cameras are not the whole story.
  5. Shame for her unjust accusations, and remorseful gratitude pierced Ida's bosom.
  6. I felt as remorseful as if every tear he was hiding was a drop of blood.
  7. If he was remorseful, so was she; she never wanted to see his sanctimonious face again.
  8. But the captain's eyes were dull, and he walked his cabin, sunk in a gloomy, remorseful trance.
  9. The quarryman proceeded on his way, and Pierston, deeply remorseful, knocked at the door of the minute freehold.