proportional / prəˈpɔr ʃə nl /


proportional 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having due proportion; corresponding.
  2. being in or characterized by proportion.
  3. of, relating to, or based on proportion; relative.
  4. Mathematics. having the same or a constant ratio or relation: The quantities y and x are proportional if y/x = k, where k is the constant of proportionality. a constant multiple of: The quantity y is proportional to x if y = kx, where k is the constant of proportionality.

proportional 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. A draft plan envisions a first phase of proportional distribution across all countries until about 20% of their populations are vaccinated.
  2. The new algorithm checks planarity in a number of steps proportional to the cube of the logarithm of the number of nodes in the graph — an exponential improvement.
  3. Those spikes led to a corresponding jump in conversions, but the upticks were not just proportional to the traffic.
  4. As an ad-supported streamer, Peacock’s success is proportional to the size of its audience.
  5. In his latest video update posted Friday, Desmond explained that the increase in cases is not accompanied by a proportional increase in hospitalizations.
  6. But the outage has raised the question of what that proportional response would look like, and whether it would be legal.
  7. This is more important than it may seem because it only allows a two-week window where delegate contests have to be proportional.
  8. Of course, like any investment, the risk is proportional to the reward.
  9. Benkler, a defense expert witness, testified, however, that Manning's leaks were proportional to the Information Age he lives in.
  10. Israel possesses a vibrant, freely elected parliament emerging from a hyper-democratic proportional representation system.
  11. This evaporation of the sea water is proportional to the temperature and to the dryness of the air where it rests upon the ocean.
  12. It may therefore be said that the need of money is proportional to the need for commercial transactions.
  13. A tree, in sending out equal boughs on opposite sides, is symmetrical; in sending out smaller boughs toward the top, proportional.
  14. A single queen bee, distinguishable by the great length of her body, and the proportional shortness of her wings.
  15. For these reasons, they possess a value which ought to give them a proportional weight in an investigation like the present.