even / ˈi vən /


even5 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. level; flat; without surface irregularities; smooth: an even road.
  2. on the same level; in the same plane or line; parallel: even with the ground.
  3. free from variations or fluctuations; regular: even motion.
adv. 副词 adverb
  1. evenly: The road ran even over the fields.
  2. still; yet: even more suitable.
  3. : Even the slightest noise disturbs him. Even if he attends, he may not participate.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to make even; level; smooth: to even a board with a plane.
  2. to place in an even state as to claim or obligation; balance: to even up accounts.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to become even: The odds evened before the race.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. even out, to make or become even, smooth, or flat: The wrinkles will even out when the suit dries.to become equal, balanced, stable, etc.: optimistic that the situation would even out eventually.

even 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

flat, uniform

adj. 形容词 adjective

calm, undisturbed

adj. 形容词 adjective

commensurate; having no advantage

adj. 形容词 adjective

fair, impartial

adv. 副词 adverb

still, yet

v. 动词 verb

balance, make smooth


  • even money
  • even so
  • break even
  • never give a sucker an even break
  • on an even keel


  1. Alcohol and sugar, even in moderate amounts, are not only sinful but poisonous.
  2. This is even more striking in Submission than in his previous books.
  3. Even internally in the House, women are not getting their fair shake.
  4. Weiss is likely to get confirmed even as Warren and a handful of other progressive Democrats vote no.
  5. For many years afterward it was a never-ending topic of conversation, and is more or less talked of even to this day.
  6. Some were even re-arrested for the same nefarious purpose, and the daily papers published their names on each occasion.
  7. Even as they gazed they saw its roof caught up, and whirled off as if it had been a scroll of paper.
  8. I presume the twenty-five or thirty miles at this end is unhealthy, even for natives, but it surely need not be so.
  9. Genoa has but recently and partially felt the new impulse, yet even here the march of improvement is visible.
  10. He was the strangest-looking creature Davy had ever seen, not even excepting the Goblin.