comparative / kəmˈpær ə tɪv /


comparative2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to comparison.
  2. proceeding by, founded on, or using comparison as a method of study: comparative anatomy.
  3. estimated by comparison; not positive or absolute; relative: a comparative newcomer in politics; to live in comparative luxury.
  4. Grammar. being, noting, or pertaining to the intermediate degree of the comparison of adjectives, as better and more beautiful, the comparative forms of good and beautiful, and of adverbs, as nearer and more carefully, the comparative forms of near and carefully.Compare positive, superlative.
n. 名词 noun


  1. the comparative degree.
  2. a form in the comparative.

comparative 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

approximate, close to


  1. Her teaching and scholarship have focused on comparative ethnic politics and conflict, democratization, and retrospective justice.
  2. One of the new study’s authors, he is a comparative physiologist.
  3. To find out, comparative psychologist Jim McGetrick and colleagues at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna trained pet dogs how to use a button to get food from a nearby dispenser.
  4. That tiny froghoppers and other insects feed on xylem sap has stoked skepticism about these measurements, says Philip Matthews, a comparative physiologist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.
  5. The new scholarship on comparative polarization is crucial in understanding this dynamic.
  6. This full-circle comparative literature process is well represented in modern war writing and recent Arabic fiction.
  7. A third way to counter the negative stereotypes is to provide a bit of comparative historical context.
  8. As a comparative study, it highlights the distinctively brutal features of American slavery.
  9. Under the old system, only a comparative handful of members had any power.
  10. As a comparative anatomist, MacLean viewed animal behaviors as evolutionary adaptations of the brain.
  11. It is impossible to form a just estimate of the Bible without some knowledge of ancient history and comparative mythology.
  12. The doctor, informed of her comparative happiness, again shrugged his shoulders.
  13. To many causes may the comparative smallness of success that has attended these be attributed.
  14. "Madame tells me that he is dead," said she, and Garnache was shocked at the comparative calmness with which she said it.
  15. At Sorbonne a chair of comparative legislation was created for him.