unfailing / ʌnˈfeɪ lɪŋ /


unfailing 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. not failing; not giving way; not falling short of expectation; completely dependable: an unfailing friend.
  2. inexhaustible; endless: unfailing resources; unfailing good humor.

unfailing 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

certain, unchanging


  1. Strengthened by the unfailing support of her family, she refused to let the laws, her imperfect eyesight, the disapproval of some of her idols or the entrenched misogyny of the military derail her.
  2. He was renowned for his wit, disarming his critics with unfailing humor.
  3. He has the potential to complicate the unfailing friendliness of Jimmy Fallon by peppering in a little bite.
  4. “He had an unfailing ability to make just the right gesture at just the right time,” de Klerk wrote.
  5. Plus, a phone call from “NSFWCorp” is an unfailing conversation piece.
  6. The Golden Girls were honest and relatable, but there was something more: intense, unfailing, real friendships.
  7. La Source was a devoted Christian, and found, in the consolations of piety, an unfailing support.
  8. In Nicholas Rubinstein he found a powerful friend and ally, who supported his enterprise for twenty years with unfailing energy.
  9. North had ability, tact, knowledge, and an unfailing good temper; he was well educated and of high moral character.
  10. A series of stories that will give unfailing entertainment and instruction.
  11. A gallant tale, written with unfailing freshness and spirit.