

hang-tough 的定义

  1. Remain firmly resolved, as in We're going to hang tough on this point and not give in. This slangy idiom uses tough in the sense of “aggressively unyielding,” a usage dating from the first half of the 1900s.

hang-tough 近义词


等同于 relentless


等同于 stern


  1. You just travel light with carry-on luggage, go to cities that you love, and get to hang out with all your friends.
  2. It was getting to create jokes at the source, and to get to hang out with comedians.
  3. His flesh is sagging a bit, but he is still trim and looks lean, sinewy and tough.
  4. “You ask me my motivation,” Marvin says, moving back into his tough guy persona again.
  5. I think 2014 was my big rock and roll year, and 2015 is gonna be a really good year to hang around the house.
  6. It'll be beastly dull for her at The Warren, you see, poor girl; and she doesn't seem to jump at Spunyarn, though he does hang on.
  7. Perhaps you will understand now that you ought to have asked my business ere you proposed to hang me off hand.
  8. But this paper was a very tough, fibrous substance, and would resist quite a heavy blow as well as keep out the cold.
  9. These form one of the many island groups that hang like a fringe or festoon on the skirt of the continent of Asia.
  10. "Tough—but most of us have been there, one time or another," Goodell observed sympathetically; and with that the subject rested.