contrast / verb kənˈtræst, ˈkɒn træst; noun ˈkɒn træst /


contrast3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences; note the opposite natures, purposes, etc., of: Contrast the political rights of Romans and Greeks.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to exhibit unlikeness on comparison with something else; form a contrast.
  2. Linguistics. to differ in a way that can serve to distinguish meanings: The sounds and contrast in the words “pin” and “bin.”
n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of contrasting; the state of being contrasted.
  2. a striking exhibition of unlikeness.
  3. a person or thing that is strikingly unlike in comparison: The weather down here is a welcome contrast to what we're having back home.

contrast 近义词

n. 名词 noun


v. 动词 verb

compare, differ


  1. By contrast, no song from SSA has ever hit the 300 million mark.
  2. Inhibited children, in contrast, avoided chances to make friends in new situations and to stand out academically or socially in school.
  3. By contrast, the “deoptimized” coronavirus has several hundred genetic changes.
  4. In contrast, Biden did not travel Tuesday to South Florida, where there are signs he is struggling with the Cuban American community.
  5. By contrast, our death rate is roughly 58 per 100,000 Americans, more than five times Germany’s per capita toll.
  6. “After the New York mentality, it is the ultimate contrast to see people making things by hand,” he said.
  7. In contrast, Boehner's leadership team filed into his ceremonial office and greeted the teary newly-elected Speaker with hugs.
  8. By contrast, John McCain, the eventual GOP nominee, had raised approximately $12.7 million in the first quarter of 2007 alone.
  9. In contrast to Paul, Huckabee has never palled around with Al Sharpton.
  10. By contrast, a gun will allow a pilot to attack hostile forces that are less than 300 feet from friendly ground forces.
  11. But the contrast thus presented is one that has acquired a new meaning in the age in which we live.
  12. In contrast to the Widal, it begins to fade about the end of the second week, and soon thereafter entirely disappears.
  13. This contrast implies a great wrong somewhere, and for which somebody must be responsible.
  14. The contrast between the open street and the enclosed stuffiness of the dim and crowded interior was overwhelming.
  15. His life had been the strangest contrast to the calm countenance which I saw so tranquilly listen to its own tale.