sameness / ˈseɪm nɪs /


sameness 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the state or quality of being the same; identity; uniformity.
  2. lack of variety; monotony.

sameness 近义词

n. 名词 noun

likeness, similarity


  1. The big red company looms large in the sameness of comic book and graphic novel adaptations.
  2. This week’s Marketoon is all about standing out in a “sea of sameness.”
  3. While some feminists cheered this development as breaking down an unnatural barrier that kept men and women from reaching their potential, to women like Donnelly it was yet another step toward imposing an unnatural sameness on men and women.
  4. Being able to find new ways to love it even as its sameness drives us crazy may be a testament to our adaptability.
  5. Such photos generally blur into the sameness of routine, but this particular one is unexpectedly stirring.
  6. In a community that honored sameness over individuality, a boy named Jonas learned the truth—and quickly became our hero.
  7. Equality, as someone pointed out to me, means sameness and similarity.
  8. There is, from year to year, a sameness to the dire threats from Pyongyang.
  9. But eventually that commitment to ubiquity and sameness killed the company.
  10. The debate which ensued presented much sameness and repetition.
  11. Again, there is, in another particular, a remarkable and impressive sameness in the stories related by these wretched girls.
  12. Hence sameness in his work and indifference to the picture he copied.
  13. In spite of this sameness of position they have much spirit and action.
  14. They are safe where they are, but the days have so much of dull sameness that there is a sore temptation in the unknown peril.