circumscribed [ sûrkəm-skrībd′ ]


circumscribed 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

    circumscribed 近义词

    v. 动词 verb

    mark off, delimit


    1. Much like Jamie, he acknowledges—but will not capitulate to—the circumscribed world they create.
    2. It took practice to learn how to be productive in these circumscribed blocks but, over time, I developed some rules.
    3. Given the nature of the North Korean state, those negotiations are highly circumscribed.
    4. The church lands needed to be circumscribed and described before they could be sold.
    5. If this is discrimination, it is of the most highly circumscribed kind.
    6. The scenery was of the usual description, consisting of narrow, circumscribed valleys and mountains covered with endless forests.
    7. This tumult of waters, altogether confined and circumscribed, has nothing of the character of a tempest.
    8. When she left the room, I suppose she was unable to explain the peals of laughter that rang through our circumscribed halls.
    9. The very sky had an alien look, seeming vaster somehow than the circumscribed clouds of Kensington.
    10. What meaning is conveyed by the qualifying term “circumscribed”?