discontinuous / ˌdɪs kənˈtɪn yu əs /


discontinuous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. not continuous; broken; interrupted; intermittent: a discontinuous chain of mountains; a discontinuous argument.
  2. Mathematics. not continuous at the point.

discontinuous 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

broken; intermittent


  1. American foreign policy is much more continuous than discontinuous.
  2. Modifications of the system have been adopted for bridges with discontinuous spans.
  3. They were discontinuous lumps of flesh sharing a common vocabulary, yet not even truly discontinuous.
  4. Only the facts are so discontinuous so far that possibly all our generation can do may be to get 'em called facts.
  5. Sterilise these coupled flasks by the discontinuous method, in the usual manner.
  6. Species are definitely discontinuous, and this is the only discontinuity which Nature shows us.