accurate / ˈæk yər ɪt /


accurate 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. free from error or defect; consistent with a standard, rule, or model; precise; exact.
  2. careful or meticulous: an accurate typist.

accurate 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


adj. 形容词 adjective

correct, without error


  1. Students moving into dorms also take a so-called PCR test, which takes longer to process but is more accurate in identifying an active infection.
  2. When samples and the methods used are not representative of the real world, it becomes very difficult to reach accurate and actionable conclusions.
  3. To be clear, this was not a research report and it is not accurate.
  4. Roubie, a veteran of the hospitality industry, thinks a more accurate estimate will be upwards of 65 percent.
  5. That means that you need to constantly improve your web site to ensure you have the highest quality, more relevant, more reliable and accurate content and user experience.
  6. I have it on good authority these quotes are 100 percent accurate, if not 100 percent verbatim.
  7. Even if you look at that in the most favorable light possible, it was not accurate.
  8. Of course, a more flexible interpretation is just as accurate.
  9. Music and live shows, she says, allow people to talk about the product as art instead of an accurate representation of reality.
  10. If this were accurate, it would mean that the Wilson stopped Brown over a minor offense, not a felony.
  11. Results are easily and quickly obtained, and are probably accurate enough for all clinical purposes.
  12. For accurate work the best instruments are the von Fleischl-Miescher and the Dare.
  13. The broad-beamed budgerow presented a strangely accurate microcosm of India at that moment.
  14. For more accurate work the following methods, applicable to either human or cow's milk, are simple and satisfactory.
  15. And if Gwynne had not revisited San Francisco he had a very accurate idea of its present conditions.