careless / ˈkɛər lɪs /


careless 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. not paying enough attention to what one does: a careless typist.
  2. not exact, accurate, or thorough: careless work.
  3. done or said heedlessly or negligently; unconsidered: a careless remark.
  4. not caring or troubling; having no care or concern; unconcerned: careless of the rights of others; careless about one's behavior; careless in speech.
  5. possessed or caused without effort or art; unstudied: careless beauty.
  6. Archaic. free from anxiety.

careless 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

without sufficient attention

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Instead they are part of its very design, built atop Zuckerberg’s narrow worldview, the careless privacy culture he cultivated, and the staggering ambitions he chased with Sandberg.
  2. On Tuesday came perhaps the biggest example of where this often careless vaccine skepticism can lead.
  3. While I understand there are some areas with persistent problems of uncontrolled fires and careless discarding of hot coals, it would be a true loss to ban fires from all beaches.
  4. Set up PIN protectionOpen up your Roku account page on the web and you can add PIN protection to various aspects of the Roku experience—handy if you have young children in the house or just careless housemates.
  5. College dorms are another type of communal living site, and careless students can make matters worse.
  6. Giving prisoners a chance at redemption is a good idea; but we were too careless, and innocent people suffered because it it.
  7. Now “Marie Claire” says “Newsweek” is guilty of careless reporting.
  8. Victims of careless ‘dox’ attempts say the consequences are miserable.
  9. One hopes we will never have to repeat such a careless cruise ship disaster to find out.
  10. Sometimes an excess of caution is the most careless approach of all.
  11. Of Liszt the first part of this is not true, for if he strikes a wrong note it is simply because he chooses to be careless.
  12. He hurried to the Hotel d'Ettres; but the scenes of careless gaiety he saw there, seemed only to chafe his mind.
  13. She is always attired in black, and is utterly careless in dress, yet nothing can conceal her innate elegance of figure.
  14. Never had Tom seen his gay and careless cousin in such guise: he was restless, silent, intense and inarticulate.
  15. Thus arrayed I fixed myself on the porch, to be smoking my pipe in a careless, indifferent way when she came.