concerned / kənˈsɜrnd /


concerned 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. interested or affected: concerned citizens.
  2. troubled or anxious: a concerned look.
  3. having a connection or involvement; participating: They arrested all those concerned in the kidnapping.

concerned 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


adj. 形容词 adjective

involved with


  1. Those concerned about apps spying on them can monitor their activity by viewing individual apps under the iPhone’s “Settings” icon.
  2. Dorris said she had thought about coming forward in 2016 but was concerned about the potential backlash she and her family might face.
  3. While temperatures were lower Monday in some areas, officials said they were still concerned about getting through the afternoon, in part because of the fires.
  4. Yet San Diego’s largest organization for real estate developers says both candidates would make great mayors, as far as they’re concerned.
  5. We are typically packed each weekend, so we are a little concerned about keeping the crowds spaced out during that time.
  6. So, as far as Mexican officials like Peña Nieto are concerned, the goal is to keep their countrymen here — and keep them happy.
  7. Was there something linked to something a little more universal as far as experiences are concerned?
  8. As far as I was concerned he was the best bad guy in the history of the movies.
  9. That North Korea was behind the Sony attack seems beyond doubt—at least as far as the Obama administration is concerned.
  10. So how concerned should people be about the fate of the VSV vaccine?
  11. So far as the right or wrong of having contraband whisky was concerned, I don't think any one gave it a second thought.
  12. The Seneschal leaned back, and was concerned to feel his pulses throbbing a shade too quickly.
  13. The intellect might be abolished so far as its participation in such an operation is concerned.
  14. I perceive no immediate reason for the evacuation of Peking as far as the supply of game is concerned.
  15. They would hardly have been written had it not been for the war, although only one of them is concerned with that subject.