unreflective / ˌʌn rɪˈflɛk tɪv /


unreflective 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. not reflective; thoughtless; lacking in due deliberation; heedless; rash: a sweeping, unreflective pessimism.

unreflective 近义词


等同于 thoughtless


等同于 unguarded


等同于 careless


  1. But a future of unreflective rightist and hyper-anti-culture religionists is a poisonous recipe.
  2. But Jackson was an experienced hand at public affairs, and his populism, while genuinely felt, was not unthinking or unreflective.
  3. They were honest and straightforward enough, with all the vigorous unreflective narrowness of ultra-Protestantism.
  4. Philosophy is a process of reflection upon the presuppositions involved in unreflective thought.
  5. The old times New England house mother was not a mere unreflective drudge of domestic toil.
  6. It was often supported by references to the Old Testament, which contains a similar view in an unreflective form.
  7. Note that it is "unreflective," not "unconscious," nor yet merely "instinctive" conduct.