decrease / verb dɪˈkris; noun ˈdi kris, dɪˈkris /


decrease3 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb

de·creased, de·creas·ing.

  1. to diminish or lessen in extent, quantity, strength, power, etc.: During the ten-day march across the desert their supply of water decreased rapidly.
v. 有主动词 verb

de·creased, de·creas·ing.

  1. to make less; cause to diminish: to decrease one's work load.
n. 名词 noun
  1. the act or process of decreasing; condition of being decreased; gradual reduction: a decrease in sales; a decrease in intensity.
  2. the amount by which a thing is lessened: The decrease in sales was almost 20 percent.

decrease 近义词

n. 名词 noun

diminishing, lessening

v. 动词 verb

grow less or make less


  1. That’s actually a decrease from 2014, when 8 million taxpayers made a payment.
  2. Luckily, however, that meant a steep decrease in the average production costs, according to Fitzgibbons.
  3. After three days, all five showed a measurable decrease in systolic blood pressure, a drop in heart rate, and an increase in creativity and feelings of well-being.
  4. The decline is likely partially the result of an overall decrease in streaming after Covid-19 hit the US, due to the absence of people listening to music on commutes and in stores.
  5. For example, pages with more than 500,000 likes on Facebook have seen a dramatic decrease in reach, possibly to encourage companies to increase their ad spend.
  6. Police Superintendent Michael Harrison said the decline was a result of an effort to decrease gang violence.
  7. That indicated a relatively rapid increase in methane, followed by an equally fast decrease.
  8. Neighboring Guinea and Liberia, said WHO, were presenting evidence of a decrease in cases.
  9. In his mind, this is only as problematic as the decrease in international support that it may cause.
  10. “The sense down there is we have to understand what [this decrease] is,” WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic tells The Daily Beast.
  11. In mild cases a slight decrease of hemoglobin is the only blood change noted.
  12. It is evident that an absolute increase of any variety may be accompanied by a relative decrease.
  13. The infectious diseases in which leukocytosis is absent (p. 160) often cause a slight decrease of leukocytes.
  14. The decrease affects chiefly the polymorphonuclear cells, so that the lymphocytes are relatively increased.
  15. There is decided decrease of hemoglobin and red corpuscles, with moderate leukopenia and relative lymphocytosis.