constriction / kənˈstrɪk ʃən /


constriction 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of constricting.
  2. the state of being constricted; tightness or inward pressure.
  3. a constricted part.
  4. something that constricts.
  5. Phonetics. an articulated narrowing of the vocal tract that in consonants audibly obstructs the flow of air and in vowels defines an interconnection between or among resonance cavities.Compare closure.

constriction 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. The trend in recent years has been for an expansion of the legality of marijuana, not a constriction.
  2. Then it dawned on me, and I felt a quick constriction of my heart that was both bliss and pain.
  3. Then his brain and his heart began to stir and move again a little, the constriction of the paralysis was passing off.
  4. It is the constriction of dress, that is to be feared, and not any particular article that produces it.
  5. It is in the position most used when engaged in common employments, that we are to judge of the constriction of dress.
  6. Before disconnecting the apparatus, seal the glass tube from the culture vessel at the constriction, using the blowpipe flame.