steadying / ˈstɛd i /


steadying6 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

stead·i·er, stead·i·est.

  1. firmly placed or fixed; stable in position or equilibrium: a steady ladder.
  2. even or regular in movement: the steady swing of the pendulum.
  3. free from change, variation, or interruption; uniform; continuous: a steady diet of meat and potatoes;a steady wind.
interj. 感叹词 interjection
  1. Nautical.
n. 名词 noun

plural stead·ies.

  1. Informal. a person whom one dates exclusively; sweetheart.
  2. Informal. a steady visitor, customer, or the like; habitué.
v. 有主动词 verb

stead·ied, stead·y·ing.

  1. to make or keep steady, as in position, movement, action, character, etc.: His calm confidence steadied the nervous passengers.
v. 无主动词 verb

stead·ied, stead·y·ing.

  1. to become steady.
adv. 副词 adverb
  1. in a firm or steady manner: Hold the ladder steady.
  2. Informal. steadily, regularly, or continuously: Is she working steady now?

steadying 近义词


等同于 equilibrium


等同于 poise


等同于 balance


等同于 stabilize


等同于 stiffen


等同于 brace


等同于 calm


等同于 becalm


等同于 infix


等同于 pin on


等同于 do for


等同于 even


等同于 fix


  • steady as a rock
  • go steady
  • slow but sure (steady wins the race)


  1. Her legs shook and she sat on her hands to try and steady herself.
  2. Within these systems can be broad swaths of steady rainfall called stratiform regions, Gramling says.
  3. That’s corroborated by data from job-search websites such as Indeed, which also shows a slowing trend of job listings after steady gains earlier in the summer.
  4. While wearable fitness devices saw an uptick in shipments in North America for Q2, the overall dollar amount of the market remained steady, according to new numbers out of Canalys.
  5. They can watch and tightly measure as the vortex loops merge and evolve into turbulence, analyze its steady state, subject it to various forces and tweaks to see how it responds, and then stop feeding it and study its decay.
  6. It is the steady accretion of detail that may yet be the most damaging factor in the battle for British hearts and minds.
  7. Superintendent Smith, in fact, had fielded a steady stream of complaints about him that never resulted in any direct action.
  8. Outside, a lone traffic policeman directs a steady stream of motorbikes.
  9. The female fan base tends to hold steady at 38 percent, according to Amanda Regan, a spokeswoman for Feld Motor Sports.
  10. Activating iPhones promised a lucrative, steady revenue stream for Synchronoss.
  11. The minister's eye kept steady to one point; to raise the country he governed, to the utmost pinnacle of earthly grandeur.
  12. I begged him to come down here, but he wouldn't—says that his hand is no longer steady enough to hold a gun—it's awful!
  13. He had improved of late years a little, and he gave me his word that he would be steady.
  14. Lyn was looking at me intently, and her voice was steady; that squeezed kind of steadiness that is almost worse than tears.
  15. With beating heart, but steady hand and frowning eye, he advanced another step and found—that the object was a yellow stone!