maintain / meɪnˈteɪn /


maintain 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to keep in existence or continuance; preserve; retain: to maintain good relations with neighboring countries.
  2. to keep in an appropriate condition, operation, or force; keep unimpaired: to maintain order; to maintain public highways.
  3. to keep in a specified state, position, etc.: to maintain a correct posture; to maintain good health.
  4. to affirm; assert; declare: He maintained that the country was going downhill.
  5. to support in speech or argument, as a statement or proposition.
  6. to keep or hold against attack: to maintain one's ground.
  7. to provide for the upkeep or support of; carry the expenses of: to maintain a family.
  8. to sustain or support: not enough water to maintain life.

maintain 近义词

v. 动词 verb

care for, keep up

v. 动词 verb

assert, claim; argue for


  1. Because I wrote a book years ago about the Army-Navy football rivalry and have maintained connections with many from the two schools, I know a lot of veterans.
  2. They are institutions built to hold and maintain power for a political group.
  3. One method of maintaining a connection to the person, product or brand that is the target of a boycott is called “moral decoupling.”
  4. Those statements conflict with the union’s efforts to work with the NBA on a scaled-down event, in hopes of salvaging television revenue and maintaining productive relationships with the owners and media partners.
  5. Shallal said the Anacostia Busboys and Poets has maintained more revenue during the pandemic than any of the restaurant’s other locations.
  6. Models in Israel will have to maintain a BMI of 18.5 or higher if they want to stay employed.
  7. They were just way too aggressive to try and maintain on a farm here,” says Gow of his “Nazi cows.
  8. While not all 86 million maintain positions of governance or public service, the Party's machinery runs on watchmaker precision.
  9. There was really only one good reason to maintain the embargo: Trade with Cuba strengthens the Castros.
  10. But if the goal is to maintain any hope—grim as it is— for serious negotiations leading to a two state solution.
  11. The dormant accounts most of the banks maintain with the reserve bank are, perhaps, indicative of their attitude toward it.
  12. I always maintain that our women are of immense service to us, but many of them are physically unfit.
  13. But in one respect the currency notes helped to maintain the country's gold standard.
  14. My own opportunities have been very limited, yet so far as they go they tend to maintain the justice of this remark.
  15. Not one of the early electric actions proved either quick or reliable, and all were costly to install and maintain.