manage / ˈmæn ɪdʒ /


manage2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

man·aged, man·ag·ing.

  1. to bring about or succeed in accomplishing, sometimes despite difficulty or hardship: She managed to see the governor. How does she manage it on such a small income?
  2. to take charge or care of: to manage my investments.
  3. to dominate or influence by tact, flattery, or artifice: He manages the child with exemplary skill.
v. 无主动词 verb

man·aged, man·ag·ing.

  1. to conduct business, commercial affairs, etc.; be in charge: Who will manage while the boss is away?
  2. to continue to function, progress, or succeed, usually despite hardship or difficulty; get along: How will he manage with his wife gone? It was a rough time, but we managed.

manage 近义词

v. 动词 verb

be in charge, control

v. 动词 verb


v. 动词 verb

survive, get by


  1. It’s not clear why Clubhouse doesn’t have better options for users to manage their privacy or more information for users about how their data might be used or linked to them.
  2. Highs only manage to reach the upper 20s to low 30s, followed by overnight lows in the mid- to upper 20s.
  3. Of course, if you continue to produce winning content and earn quality backlinks, you’ll manage to break into the first search page.
  4. These malfunctions have pushed vaccinators to switch to simpler methods of managing distribution.
  5. Zeta co-founder Aditi Shekar has spent the past three years tracking the ways couples share and manage their finances, from each card swipe to every split bill.
  6. Sputtering, I manage a few “hut-hut-huts” with the other students.
  7. It actually kept the government open all year and manage to pass something vaguely resembling a budget.
  8. How do you find the materials, and how do you manage to get them across New York to the sites?
  9. Ares said there are instances where savvy gankers manage to exploit loopholes.
  10. How do you create and manage the many narrative threads required for a group of characters?
  11. "I'm afraid I couldn't quite manage that, my dear boy," your fond parent would respond.
  12. Two men would manage an engine capable of performing the work of 100 horses.
  13. Stick around the camp in the morning if you can manage it, till they start, and notice which way all those fellows go.
  14. Somebody must explain and manage the entertainment in the radio tent, and who better than Jessie?
  15. No doubt he is,” replied Sam; “but how will you manage to haul him up and prove that he has been swindling the old woman?