preserve / prɪˈzɜrv /


preserve3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

pre·served, pre·serv·ing.

  1. to keep alive or in existence; make lasting: to preserve our liberties as free citizens.
  2. to keep safe from harm or injury; protect or spare.
  3. to keep up; maintain: to preserve historical monuments.
v. 无主动词 verb

pre·served, pre·serv·ing.

  1. to preserve fruit, vegetables, etc.; make preserves.
  2. to maintain a preserve for game or fish, especially for sport.
n. 名词 noun
  1. something that preserves.
  2. that which is preserved.
  3. Usually preserves. fruit, vegetables, etc., prepared by cooking with sugar.
  4. a place set apart for protection and propagation of game or fish, especially for sport.

preserve 近义词

v. 动词 verb

care for, maintain; continue


  1. He even went so far as trying, unsuccessfully, to turn a significant section of Southeast Alaska into a brown bear preserve.
  2. The study of extreme market failures—shutdowns due to war, for example—has generally been the preserve of the former discipline, but the pandemic has forced the wider economics profession to switch focus.
  3. That’s the preserve of newer, more powerful types of software called neural networks, complex artificial intelligence programs designed to mimic the computational processes of the human brain.
  4. Upcoming developments, however, aren’t only the preserve of the HR team.
  5. Closed to the public for decades as a private ranch, the 880-acre nature preserve has 11 miles of quality multi-use singletrack that traverses woodlands and coastal ridgelines, allowing the adventure hungry to spread out into new terrain.
  6. Or bold stands that may not preserve our security today or tomorrow, but keep our principles safely intact?
  7. These cases demonstrate how governments struggle to preserve historic sites.
  8. Why do they sincerely try to restore, or preserve, the line between the two, and get heartbroken when the line fails?
  9. It was captioned Preserve Your Forests From Destruction And Protect Your Country From Floods And Drought.
  10. Advocates claimed that it helped to preserve virtue and to affirm the application of Sharia law.
  11. She is skilful in seizing salient characteristics, and her chief aim is to preserve the individuality of her sitters and models.
  12. If properly dried and pressed, it is possible to preserve the Fern fronds with a great deal of their natural colour.
  13. The new Government to preserve public order and check all reprisals against the Spaniards.
  14. To accept so much and still preserve one's self-respect would be impossible to ordinary men under ordinary circumstances.
  15. Those required to sustain life and preserve decency, besides other things to maintain her in her social condition.