spend / spɛnd /


spend2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

spent, spend·ing.

  1. to pay out, disburse, or expend; dispose of: resisting the temptation to spend one's money.
  2. to employ, as on some object or in some proceeding: Don't spend much time on it.
  3. to pass in a particular manner, place, etc.: We spent a few days in Baltimore.
v. 无主动词 verb

spent, spend·ing.

  1. to spend money, energy, time, etc.
  2. Obsolete. to be consumed or exhausted.

spend 近义词

v. 动词 verb

give, pay out

v. 动词 verb

use time; occupy


  1. Luckily for him, he found Sairam Palicherla, a scientist who has spent more than two decades studying farming.
  2. Last week, she spent hours on the phone with colleagues to check on the status of their intensive care units.
  3. I’ve written before about how billionaire philanthropists can spend their money to fight climate change.
  4. I was tired of spending my evenings trying to understand the next day.
  5. American spent an estimated $9 billion on the holiday in 2018, according to Vox.
  6. Speech, in this case, is our ability to spend money on a goofy entertainment.
  7. Earlier this week, Huckabee ended his Fox News talk show so he could spend time mulling another bid for the Republican nomination.
  8. Prosecutors wanted him to spend at least 10 years behind bars.
  9. He is expected to spend the next few days closeted with lawyers and advisers at his home, Royal Lodge, in Windsor Great Park.
  10. Instead, I spend much of my time criticizing my fellow atheists.
  11. It's a certainty that they will be captured if they spend that money at any trading-post within our jurisdiction.
  12. He told her he would probably spend the next day in bed for a thorough rest, and she agreed that that would be a very good idea.
  13. This is a big country, but you can count on the fingers of one hand the places where a man can spend money.
  14. Also, some ominous comments on what armies spend and what Governments scrimp:—that is ammunition.
  15. In order not to weary your Majesty, I shall not dwell longer upon this, or spend time setting forth our losses.