unlock / ʌnˈlɒk /


unlock2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to undo the lock of, especially with a key.
  2. to open or release by or as if by undoing a lock.
  3. to open: to unlock the jaws.
  4. to lay open; disclose: to unlock the secrets of one's heart.
v. 无主动词 verb
  1. to become unlocked.

unlock 近义词

v. 动词 verb

open; solve


  1. The helmet case unlocks when the user selects “start ride,” but the power to the moped won’t come on until the selfie has been submitted.
  2. Most often, that means police and security forces unlocking phones of criminal suspects—a category that now includes pro-democracy advocates in Hong Kong.
  3. For advertisers, particularly those with e-commerce businesses, ads on Facebook not only create sales potential, they increasingly unlock it as new e-commerce features are added like the Shops in May.
  4. Now based on your goals and audience type, choose your strategies wisely and start unlocking the true potential of LinkedIn for your business.
  5. Like, fun stuff is for after homework, and doing homework is how you unlock doing the fun stuff.
  6. Green-Wood has its own catacombs, which grounds keepers will unlock for tour groups.
  7. With my back turned, he entered the combination to unlock the door, which was fortified by more than a foot of reinforced steel.
  8. The move would unlock EU funding, more speaking time, and seats on committees.
  9. Best recalls a grieving father confiding that a visit let him unlock the emotional door trapping his family in grief.
  10. But there was never an easy way for the company to unlock that value, or for investors to understand precisely how much Yahoo!
  11. She instructed Bessie that prayer, good reading, and meditation are the keys to use to unlock God's great storehouse of blessings.
  12. You must search for the secret springs that govern his actions and for the master key that will unlock his heart.
  13. Then he made the boy unlock the cell door and Jim slipped out, gagged the kid, and walked out of the jail.
  14. My name and my influence are a key to unlock every door; my hand can draw aside the curtain of every delight.
  15. For she had that magic key which Thyrsis himself did not possess, she could unlock the treasure-chambers of Corydon's soul.