preferment / prɪˈfɜr mənt /


preferment 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of preferring.
  2. the state of being preferred.
  3. advancement or promotion, especially in the church.
  4. a position or office affording social or pecuniary advancement.

preferment 近义词


等同于 improvement


等同于 preference


等同于 promotion


等同于 melioration


等同于 advancement


等同于 elevation


  1. It would be a misfortune if the impression were created that preferment to the episcopal bench was confined to High Churchmen.
  2. You won't keep him long, you know, for Puffin's a man certain of good preferment.
  3. Under the latter he was deprived of his preferment in Oxford, and under a harsher rule might have incurred yet graver penalties.
  4. In November, 1561, his preferment was announced, and almost immediately afterwards the news was contradicted on authority.
  5. "And my partial little daughter had the bestowal of such preferment and titles," he added laughingly.