amelioration / əˌmil yəˈreɪ ʃən, əˈmi li ə- /


amelioration 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an act or instance of ameliorating or making better; the state of being ameliorated or made better: the amelioration of working conditions.
  2. something that ameliorates; an improvement.
  3. melioration.

amelioration 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. The second year of our captivity passed—the same unvarying rotation of misery—no change, no amelioration of our condition.
  2. We need a coordination of all the forces that make for social amelioration in modern life to correct present false impressions.
  3. For every considerable amelioration the colony has been indebted to the whigs.
  4. The most desirable amelioration of her lot will be secured by the admission of her free personality.
  5. There appears no possibility of any real amelioration of their condition until they possess settled places of abode.