debasement / dɪˈbeɪs mənt /


debasement 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the act of reducing the quality or value of something:The moment any paper currency is firmly linked back to gold, the debasement of paper money stops.
  2. the fact or state of being lowered in dignity, character, or importance:Rich and greedy, he chose debasement, disgrace, and dishonorable practices in order to get even richer.

debasement 近义词

n. 名词 noun


debasement 的近义词 3
debasement 的反义词 1


  1. The two marry, but shapeless man must go through the rigors and debasements of boot camp, and when he’s deployed to Iraq as a medic, he witnesses horrors that shake him to the bone.