regeneration / rɪˌdʒɛn əˈreɪ ʃən /


regeneration 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. act of regenerating; state of being regenerated.
  2. Electronics. a feedback process in which energy from the output of an amplifier is fed back to the grid circuit to reinforce the input.
  3. Biology. the restoration or new growth by an organism of organs, tissues, etc., that have been lost, removed, or injured.
  4. Theology. spiritual rebirth; religious revival.

regeneration 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. As soon as Simard overcame her cancer, she started the Mother Tree Project to investigate forest renewal practices that protect biodiversity, carbon storage and regeneration.
  2. Mitoh first noticed the sea slugs’ extreme regeneration by chance.
  3. This is a film about the long half-life of grief, though it also offers the promise of regeneration.
  4. Someday, if we can learn and guide the effect of these rules, Levin thinks, we might be able to achieve things that our cells don’t seem able to manage on their own, such as the regeneration of limbs.
  5. In his work, Levin pieces together how these fields can contain information that guides growth and regeneration.
  6. Coltrane had another power, a power of self-regeneration that also has to do with that power of communication.
  7. “I need clothes, and a big long scarf,” he says as he comes round from the regeneration.
  8. Other spinal cord regeneration efforts involve using stem cells to regrow damaged or lost neurons.
  9. They give him a potion that will let him pick his next regeneration.
  10. The regeneration of al Qaeda in Iraq and its expansion into Syria is a warning to American decision makers.
  11. Absence of any attempt at blood regeneration explains the marked difference in the blood picture.
  12. And so did our patriots and leaders in the cause of regeneration know better, and never for a moment yielded to the base doctrine.
  13. But regeneration, and not re-organization, is experienced by him when he is enabled to lay hold of God's Covenant.
  14. This hour gives to the imaginative in every land a thrill, a yearning, and a pang of visual regeneration.
  15. He aided materially in the work of regeneration accomplished by the physician in the village.