meliorism / ˈmil yəˌrɪz əm, ˈmi li ə- /


meliorism 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the doctrine that the world tends to become better or may be made better by human effort.

meliorism 近义词


等同于 improvement


  1. As an inevitable result of all the influences that constitute his world he finds himself yearning for meliorism as the crownpiece.
  2. So he becomes the eloquent apostle of meliorism, proclaiming his gospel without abatement.
  3. Meliorism,—the desire to better the conditions of life for themselves and for their children—animated them.
  4. Meliorism, the theory that there is in nature a tendency to better and better development.
  5. Be they false or be they true, the meaning of them is this meliorism.