nobleness / ˈnoʊ bəl /


nobleness2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

no·bler, no·blest.

  1. distinguished by rank or title.
  2. pertaining to persons so distinguished.
  3. of, belonging to, or constituting a hereditary class that has special social or political status in a country or state; of or pertaining to the aristocracy.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a person of noble birth or rank; nobleman or noblewoman.
  2. a former gold coin of England, first issued in 1346 by Edward III, equal to half a mark or 6s. 8d., replaced in 1464 under Edward IV by the rose noble.
  3. a peer.

nobleness 近义词


等同于 nobility


等同于 magnificence


等同于 large-heartedness


等同于 liberality


等同于 magnanimousness


等同于 munificence


等同于 noblesse


等同于 openhandedness


等同于 unsparingness


等同于 dignity


等同于 elevation


等同于 generosity


  1. The filmmakers plant the stationary camera in front of their subjects, which gives them a status akin to noble portraiture.
  2. Even the noblest of ambitions in terms of capturing all forms of human beauty may not have a chance because the brightness values aren’t even represented accurately.
  3. Despite his noble ties, Bartini was raised by a peasant family before Lodovico eventually acknowledged him.
  4. Today, there can hardly be a more noble mission than helping America – and the world – usher in a new era of healthy aging by re-engaging and re-committing to the defeat of Alzheimer’s.
  5. The military was the noblest and best part of the nation, but that’s completely gone.
  6. The skateboarder is as irredeemably evil as the others are noble.
  7. If the noble experiment of American democracy is to mean anything, it is fidelity to the principle of freedom.
  8. And the string of episodes that aired before that were gripping, noble, and simply entertaining to watch.
  9. She was one of the wealthiest women in the world and certainly the most eccentric noble of her time.
  10. And after the Driscoll story broke, another megapastor, Perry Noble, admitted to using ResultSource on one of his book projects.
  11. I find myself chained to the foot of a woman, my noble Cornelia would despise!
  12. What course was taken to supply that assembly when any noble family became extinct?
  13. He remembered how his father had execrated this noble enemy, even at the time he declared his worth.
  14. And when wine had unselfed my noble father, you received his passionate insults with forbearance and forgiveness!
  15. The consequence of this quarrel was that, early in 1794, he found himself accused as a ci-devant noble.