patricians / pəˈtrɪʃ ən /


patricians2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person of noble or high rank; aristocrat.
  2. a person of very good background, education, and refinement.
  3. a member of the original senatorial aristocracy in ancient Rome.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of high social rank or noble family; aristocratic.
  2. befitting or characteristic of persons of very good background, education, and refinement: patrician tastes.
  3. of or belonging to the patrician families of ancient Rome.

patricians 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


patricians 的近义词 9
patricians 的反义词 2
n. 名词 noun

person born to upper class

patricians 的近义词 8
patricians 的反义词 1


  1. Hopkins was “a bit of a bad boy” when he was starting out — he recently celebrated his 45th year of sobriety — but despite his own volcanic energy and humor, he has often been cast as the butler or the buttoned-up patrician.
  2. Yet there was another side to this cool, handsome patrician, and it set him apart from his fellow executives in the Motor City.
  3. But the editor appreciated patrician breeding, so the kid came to work.
  4. One of those votes belonged to Justice Lewis Powell, a well-heeled, patrician justice from Virginia appointed by Richard Nixon.
  5. In one corner: the patrician, privileged, well-mannered 35-year-old Quayle.
  6. He could be unbearably glib, but his patrician persona and acid tongue, his radiating sense of superiority, made for good showbiz.
  7. Andrea held up her hand to appease the patrician, whose exaggeration annulled his superiority.
  8. "I want you to whip this malapert with your sword-scabbard," roared the old patrician, pale with anger.
  9. However, the six oarsmen of the patrician craft were rapidly diminishing the distance.
  10. During this period there was little to choose between the fare of the proudest patrician and the humblest client.
  11. For the first eleven years after the passage of the Licinian Laws one consul was a plebeian and one a patrician.