luxuriousness / lʌgˈʒʊər i əs, lʌkˈʃʊər- /


luxuriousness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. characterized by luxury; ministering or conducive to luxury: a luxurious hotel.
  2. given to or loving luxury; wanting or requiring what is choice, expensive, or the like: a person with luxurious tastes.
  3. given to pleasure, especially of the senses; voluptuous.
  4. present or occurring in great abundance, rich profusion, etc.; opulent: a luxurious harvest; music of luxurious beauty.
  5. excessively ornate; overelaborate: luxurious prose.

luxuriousness 近义词


等同于 luxury


等同于 magnificence


等同于 grandeur


  1. The contrast of all this semi-tropical luxuriousness with its snow-capped Alpine background is not its least remarkable feature.
  2. Here and there little areas of the rudest cultivation broke into a luxuriousness of orange, lime, and fig trees.
  3. It wasn't conceit that told her that her black hair, not lusterless but with a satiny sheen, was rare in its soft luxuriousness.
  4. You who are brought up under cover know nothing of its luxuriousness.
  5. Antique and modern statues gleamed out of the general luxuriousness.