gracious / ˈgreɪ ʃəs /


gracious2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. pleasantly kind, benevolent, and courteous.
  2. characterized by good taste, comfort, ease, or luxury: gracious suburban living; a gracious home.
  3. indulgent or beneficent in a pleasantly condescending way, especially to inferiors.
interj. 感叹词 interjection

gracious 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

kind, giving


  1. When my family came down with the coronavirus in November, I immediately sought advice from Ben, who had probably just come off a grueling shift at the hospital but was still incredibly gracious.
  2. If you attend, it would be gracious to send a modest present.
  3. If the service seems unusually smooth and gracious, it’s because a number of employees hail from the Fabio Trabocchi school of hospitality.
  4. It was neither friendly nor gracious to be absolutely confident in your own diagnosis.
  5. In a video responding to Hart’s decision, Miller-Meeks announced that she received “a very gracious call” from her former Democratic opponent officially conceding the race.
  6. But he was always uncommonly gracious, a truly gentle man, willing to dispense wisdom and perspective when asked.
  7. At his Tucson hacienda he is a gracious host and a good neighbor.
  8. It was a gracious touch, a rhetorical olive branch to his vanquished foes.
  9. Obama managed the extraordinary feat of making McConnell look gracious by comparison.
  10. Steven was gracious enough to do it, and his thoughts were fantastic.
  11. "I am sure there is no one I shall like half so well," said Isabel, truthfully; and Flora loved her for not being gracious.
  12. The gracious message then was, that in such a case he should be represented to the Pope, and possibly might be pardoned.
  13. What gives to a religious assembly all its solemnity, is the gracious presence of God.
  14. She was gracious to him for once, and gave him good morning in a manner that bordered upon the pleasant.
  15. But although Turner has exaggerated the ruggedness of Hindhead in his picture, the place is not at all gracious or suave.