steamroll / ˈstimˌroʊl /


steamroll 的定义

v. 无主动词 verb

steamroll 近义词


等同于 induce


等同于 push


等同于 push


等同于 defeat


等同于 drive


等同于 enact


  1. So there’s precedent for the Lakers either steamrolling opponents, now that their stars are on the court, or fading after the season’s avalanche of injuries.
  2. The Senate rules maven said unexpectedly that Democrats could use the procedural equivalent of a quadruple jump in Olympic ice skating to steamroll a massive infrastructure bill into law with only Democratic votes.
  3. That work continued into the January runoffs in Georgia and has now steamrolled to fight the latest legislation with the new voting restrictions.
  4. Frankly, I think it might have sent a message, but probably only for a one-day news cycle before the president just steamrolled it and moved on.
  5. Despite maps that were drawn to favor Republicans, Democrats steamrolled Republicans in metro Philadelphia in 2018, cutting their deficit to four seats in the state Senate and nine seats in the state House.
  6. Most importantly, we need leaders with the courage to steamroll the deniers and the vested interests.
  7. In this case, Obama is not going to be able to steamroll them.
  8. They will welcome his belief in soft power (i.e. diplomacy) and his desire to work with allies rather than steamroll them.