hide / haɪd /


hide4 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

hid, hid·den or hid, hid·ing.

  1. to conceal from sight; prevent from being seen or discovered: Where did she hide her jewels?
  2. to obstruct the view of; cover up: The sun was hidden by the clouds.
  3. to conceal from knowledge or exposure; keep secret: to hide one's feelings.
v. 无主动词 verb

hid, hid·den or hid, hid·ing.

  1. to conceal oneself; lie concealed: He hid in the closet.
n. 名词 noun
  1. British. a place of concealment for hunting or observing wildlife; hunting blind.
v. 动词组 verb
  1. hide out, to go into or remain in hiding: After breaking out of jail, he hid out in a deserted farmhouse.

hide 近义词

v. 动词 verb

conceal; remain unseen


  • hide and seek
  • hide nor hair, neither
  • hide one's face
  • hide one's head in the sand
  • hide one's light under a bushel
  • hide out
  • cover one's ass (hide)
  • tan one's hide


  1. Those applied to deer hide displayed much in common with the business end of the ancient stone tool, including a wavy surface and clusters of shallow grooves.
  2. The last reported sighting was in 1953, and blue tigers were soon the stuff of legends, with not so much as a preserved hide to prove they ever existed.
  3. The hide is roughly twice the thickness of most leather gloves, providing top-notch protection for whatever type of task you want to do.
  4. Other stone tools and a pigment chunk buried with her likely were used to cut apart game and prepare hides.
  5. Dixon says they already had bored their way through the tough alligator hide.
  6. He does not hesitate to hide some Marxist books from her library because she fears that the military could use them against her.
  7. Don't hide behind meaningless rhetoric or claim you're ready for action only to back off when the NRA comes knocking.
  8. And he scarcely bothered to hide his chief ambition: to lead his country as prime minister.
  9. They carefully scanned open windows along the route, looking for places where a shooter might hide.
  10. You can hide your extreme views and duck from having to answer questions about them.
  11. Poor Squinty ran and tried to hide under the straw, for he knew the boy was talking about him.
  12. Instinctively he tried to hide both pain and anger—it could only increase this distance that was already there.
  13. Consult not with him that layeth a snare for thee, and hide thy counsel from them that envy thee.
  14. As Isabel walked carefully down the slippery stair she veiled her eyes to hide the wonder in them.
  15. Even the stern, inflexible commander turned to hide an emotion he would have blushed to betray.