bare / bɛər /


bare2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

bar·er, bar·est.

  1. without covering or clothing; naked; nude: bare legs.
  2. without the usual furnishings, contents, etc.: bare walls.
  3. open to view; unconcealed; undisguised: his bare dislike of neckties.
v. 有主动词 verb

bared, bar·ing.

  1. to open to view; reveal or divulge: to bare one's arms; to bare damaging new facts.

bare 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

without clothing

adj. 形容词 adjective

without covering or content

adj. 形容词 adjective

simple, unadorned

v. 动词 verb



  1. If you can’t touch the ground with your bare hand or step on it with bare feet, it’ll hurt your pet, Perry and Mynchenberg both say.
  2. Covid-19 is intensifying technonationalist tendencies in part by laying bare the differences between countries that are handling the pandemic well and those that aren’t.
  3. It found that neck gaiters made out of a polyester spandex material allowed more droplets of liquid to pass through when the wearer was speaking than any other type of face covering—and even bare lips.
  4. In the future, you can see a lot of students going straight for the bare essentials.
  5. Some good preparation for bare-knuckle New York City politics.
  6. This year, a bare-bones welfare program will continue into the New Year without being updated.
  7. “Bare [sic] with me on vlogmas,” she told her fans in a Tweet.
  8. The further forward bare-boned science goes, however, the more forceful the counter- response.
  9. Houses were evacuated and stripped bare, and civilians vanished at the sight of a truck.
  10. The American Academy of Pediatrics advocates for infants to be put to sleep in a bare crib to prevent SIDS.
  11. Eggs and nestlings were found lying on the bare soil at the inner ends of the burrows; no nesting material was found.
  12. Sometimes the stems are quite bare; on other occasions they are partly branched; in any case the branches are short.
  13. She thrust a bare, white arm from the curtain which shielded her open door, and received the cup from his hands.
  14. From Canada on the north, to Texas on the south, the hot winds had laid the land seemingly bare.
  15. Her little neck and arms were bare, and her hair, artificially crimped, stood out like fluffy black plumes over her head.