measure 的 4 个定义
- a unit or standard of measurement: weights and measures.
- a system of measurement: liquid measure.
- an instrument, as a graduated rod or a container of standard capacity, for measuring.
- (20)
meas·ured, meas·ur·ing.
- to ascertain the extent, dimensions, quantity, capacity, etc., of, especially by comparison with a standard: to measure boundaries.
- to mark off or deal out by way of measurement: to measure out two cups of flour.
- to estimate the relative amount, value, etc., of, by comparison with some standard: to measure the importance of an issue.
- (8)
meas·ured, meas·ur·ing.
- to take measurements.
- to admit of measurement.
- to be of a specified measure.
- measure up, to reach a certain standard: The exhibition didn't measure up to last year' be capable or qualified: As an administrator, he couldn't quite measure up.
measure 近义词
portion, scope
measure 的近义词 46 个
- part
- quota
- allotment
- allowance
- amount
- amplification
- amplitude
- area
- bang
- breadth
- bulk
- capacity
- degree
- depth
- dimension
- distance
- duration
- extent
- fix
- frequency
- height
- hit
- magnitude
- mass
- meed
- mensuration
- nip
- pitch
- proportion
- quantity
- quantum
- range
- ratio
- ration
- reach
- share
- shot
- size
- slug
- span
- strength
- sum
- volume
- weight
- admeasurement
- admensuration
measure 的反义词 5 个
standard, rule
preventive or institutive action
bill, law
measure 的近义词 7 个
measure 的反义词 2 个
beat, rhythm
measure 的近义词 7 个
measure 的反义词 2 个
calculate, judge
measure 的近义词 61 个
- adjust
- assess
- average
- calibrate
- check
- compute
- determine
- estimate
- evaluate
- fit
- gauge
- limit
- mark
- peg
- quantify
- rank
- regulate
- survey
- weigh
- adapt
- align
- appraise
- beat
- blend
- bound
- caliper
- choose
- delimit
- demarcate
- even
- eye
- figure
- gradate
- grade
- graduate
- level
- line
- mete
- plumb
- portion
- rate
- read
- reckon
- rhyme
- rule
- scale
- shade
- size
- sound
- square
- stroke
- tailor
- time
- value
- check out
- dope out
- look over
- mark out
- pace off
- size up
- take account
measure 的反义词 7 个
- measure up
- beyond measure
- for good measure
- in some measure
- made to measure
- take someone's measure
- By some measures, such as the number of people on job retention schemes, the US looks like it’s on a different planet.
- The District of Columbia, home to only around 700,000 residents, actually leads the way by that measure.
- It’s a measure of how likely it is that I would by accident find a difference as big as the one I found here.
- Ukraine ranked first worldwide on Chainalysis’s Global Crypto Adoption Index, which includes measures of cryptocurrency value received, exchanged, and deposited.
- It was vastly more expensive than had the City Council just placed a measure on the ballot.
- Taraji manages to bring an equal measure of truth to the mother in her character.
- But the inability to measure progress in the ISIS campaign is widespread.
- With that, there is no means to consistently measure progress.
- There would, then, likely be significant police resistance to this measure.
- A petition has been delivered in Nevada that will put a similar measure to the one in Washington on the ballot in 2016.
- Yet if there is a measure of untruth in such pretty flatteries, one needs to be superhuman in order to condemn them harshly.
- (p. 054) At this period it appears that tobacco was used as money, and as the measure of price and value.
- Not only have its fundamental principles been fully vindicated but in most details the working of the measure has been successful.
- The alternate hexameter and pentameter are, for most purposes, a more agreeable measure than the hexameter by itself.
- The early recognition of pictured objects, of which certain animals have a measure, is often strikingly discerning.