procedure / prəˈsi dʒər /


procedure 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an act or a manner of proceeding in any action or process; conduct.
  2. a particular course or mode of action.
  3. any given mode of conducting legal, parliamentary, or other business, especially litigation and judicial proceedings.
  4. Computers. the sequence of actions or instructions to be followed in solving a problem or accomplishing a task.Also called subprogram .a group of statements that may be used at one or more points in a computer program.

procedure 近义词

n. 名词 noun

process, system for accomplishing something


  1. Binam is now at the center of a congressional inquiry into allegations of a pattern of nonconsensual gynecological procedures, including hysterectomies, performed on detainees at Irwin in recent years.
  2. These may work to address the problematic search warrant procedures that took place in Taylor’s case.
  3. The equations of QED made respectable predictions, they found, if patched with the inscrutable procedure of renormalization.
  4. How to vote earlyEvery state handles its own elections, so early voting rules vary from state to state, just like voter registration procedures.
  5. Administration officials have sought to keep politics out of the vaccine, arguing they are following all procedures.
  6. Normal procedure is that any member country can request that a document be circulated, and the UN does it pro-forma.
  7. “This [investigation] is part of routine procedure following the death of any firefighter,” he told The Daily Beast.
  8. He takes great pleasure in demonstrating the monitoring procedure.
  9. Anti-abortion organizations tend to tend to propagate the idea that the procedure is dangerous and unproven.
  10. There is a procedure called “compassionate release” allowing terminally ill men to die at home.
  11. Thereupon began a procedure identical to that which had characterized the outset of every successful case of the Chief Inspector.
  12. The motives which led to this undertaking, and the reasons for my mode of procedure, may be stated in a few words.
  13. The whole procedure—taking the cosmic view—was almost pointless, but it would make the botanist happy, at least.
  14. But only a cloistered ecclesiastic can be held responsible for such military procedure.
  15. But statutes which merely alter the procedure, if they are in themselves good statutes, ought to be retrospective.