atrophied / ˈæ trə fid /


atrophied 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. exhibiting or affected with atrophy; wasted; withered; shriveled: an atrophied arm; an atrophied talent.

atrophied 近义词


等同于 wasted


等同于 skeletal


等同于 emaciated


等同于 wane


等同于 waste


等同于 wither


等同于 decay


  1. Inevitably, the old visceral “hands-on” flying skills, no longer much employed by pilots, have atrophied like an unused limb.
  2. That appears, at best, to be feeble, at worst to have atrophied altogether.
  3. Most pythons have atrophied useless pelvises floating inside their abdomens, not connected to anything.
  4. A lack of competitive elections meant that state parties atrophied.
  5. Restoring the atrophied Israeli Zionist left is the only way to ensure movement on the peace process.
  6. There is no reason why in the years to come hand and foot should not both be atrophied.
  7. Plenty of good air there to fill lungs atrophied by long night hours in the sick atmosphere of the wards.
  8. One external opening sufficed to carry off the entire secretion of the gland, and the other openings therefore atrophied.
  9. But the first has already atrophied considerably, and may easily be recognized as the spiracle.
  10. Eventually the old mouth and throat atrophied, and one pair of coalesced gill-slits came to serve as the sole mouth.