emaciate / ɪˈmeɪ ʃiˌeɪt /


emaciate 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

e·ma·ci·at·ed, e·ma·ci·at·ing.

  1. to make abnormally lean or thin by a gradual wasting away of flesh.

emaciate 近义词


等同于 thin


等同于 waste


等同于 macerate

emaciate 的近义词 7
emaciate 的反义词 2

等同于 rarefy


  1. His bountiful and generous nature could profit by a spell of training that would emaciate a poorer stock.
  2. Sickness diminished the ranks, and emaciate men, haggard and way-worn, tottered painfully along the rugged ways.
  3. The features become sharper, and sometimes the whole body begins to emaciate, while the pulse quickens.
  4. Famine strode through all the streets, covering the pavements with the emaciate corpses of the dead.
  5. He retired a fugitive with eight thousand men in his train, ragged, emaciate and mutilated.