bony / ˈboʊ ni /


bony 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

bon·i·er, bon·i·est.

  1. of or like bone.
  2. full of bones.
  3. having prominent bones; big-boned.
  4. skinny; emaciated.

bony 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

of or like bone

bony 的近义词 5
bony 的反义词 5
adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. It has other parts of the bony anatomy that are consistent with pushing off the ground on two legs.
  2. As for the earliest vertebrates, Mayashita and his co-authors argue that another group of fish, characterized by bony armor in their skin, are closer to the mark.
  3. And lest we think models are just bony arms and pretty faces, they frequently assure us that they are really, truly intelligent.
  4. The oarfish is the largest living bony fish, reaching up to 35 feet in length.
  5. A pair of giant, bony fish—one 18 feet long—have washed up on California beaches this week.
  6. It reminded him of the man who had a poor old lean, bony, spavined horse, with swelled legs.
  7. Some were explicit, with messages written on them like that bony girl in the T-shirt.
  8. Johnny the Itch pulled nervously at the wide-brimmed fedora jerked down on his bony skull.
  9. Angular and bony, with slightly stooped shoulders, his face is a mass of minute wrinkles seamed on yellow parchment.
  10. Indeed, part of the bony structure had rolled clear of the shreds of tattered rags.
  11. Various disorders of nutrition in the early years of life express themselves in bony deformities, and the skull is not spared.
  12. Then she drew the glistening ring from the skeleton's bony hand, and placed it on her third finger.