twerp 的定义
- an insignificant or despicable fellow: Her father thinks her boyfriend is just a twerp.
twerp 近义词
等同于 pipsqueak
twerp 的近义词 5 个
等同于 mooncalf
twerp 的近义词 50 个
- ass
- birdbrain
- blockhead
- bonehead
- boob
- bore
- buffoon
- clod
- clown
- cretin
- dimwit
- dolt
- dope
- dumb ox
- dunce
- dunderhead
- easy mark
- fair game
- fathead
- goose
- halfwit
- idiot
- ignoramus
- illiterate
- imbecile
- innocent
- jackass
- jerk
- lamebrain
- lightweight
- loon
- moron
- nerd
- nincompoop
- ninny
- nitwit
- numskull
- oaf
- sap
- schlemiel
- silly
- simple
- simpleton
- softhead
- stooge
- sucker
- tomfool
- turkey
- twit
- victim
等同于 ninny
twerp 的近义词 50 个
- ass
- birdbrain
- blockhead
- bonehead
- boob
- bore
- buffoon
- clod
- clown
- cretin
- dimwit
- dolt
- dope
- dunce
- dunderhead
- fathead
- goose
- idiot
- ignoramus
- illiterate
- imbecile
- innocent
- jackass
- jerk
- lightweight
- loon
- moron
- nerd
- nincompoop
- nitwit
- numskull
- oaf
- sap
- schlemiel
- silly
- simple
- simpleton
- stooge
- sucker
- tomfool
- turkey
- twit
- victim
- dumb ox
- easy mark
- fair game
- halfwit
- lamebrain
- mooncalf
- softhead
twerp 的反义词 2 个
等同于 schmo
twerp 的近义词 50 个
- ass
- birdbrain
- blockhead
- bonehead
- boob
- bore
- buffoon
- clod
- clown
- cretin
- dimwit
- dolt
- dope
- dunce
- dunderhead
- fathead
- goose
- idiot
- ignoramus
- illiterate
- imbecile
- innocent
- jackass
- jerk
- lightweight
- loon
- moron
- nerd
- nincompoop
- nitwit
- numskull
- oaf
- sap
- schlemiel
- silly
- simple
- simpleton
- stooge
- sucker
- tomfool
- turkey
- twit
- victim
- dumb ox
- easy mark
- fair game
- halfwit
- lamebrain
- mooncalf
- softhead
twerp 的反义词 2 个
等同于 schmuck
twerp 的近义词 51 个
- ass
- birdbrain
- blockhead
- bonehead
- boob
- bore
- buffoon
- clod
- clown
- cretin
- dimwit
- dolt
- dope
- dunce
- dunderhead
- fathead
- goose
- idiot
- ignoramus
- illiterate
- imbecile
- innocent
- jackass
- jerk
- lightweight
- loon
- moron
- nerd
- nincompoop
- ninny
- nitwit
- numskull
- oaf
- sap
- schlemiel
- silly
- simple
- simpleton
- stooge
- sucker
- tomfool
- turkey
- twit
- victim
- dumb ox
- easy mark
- fair game
- halfwit
- lamebrain
- mooncalf
- softhead
twerp 的反义词 2 个
等同于 softhead
twerp 的近义词 51 个
- ass
- birdbrain
- blockhead
- bonehead
- boob
- bore
- buffoon
- clod
- clown
- cretin
- dimwit
- dolt
- dope
- dunce
- dunderhead
- fathead
- goose
- idiot
- ignoramus
- illiterate
- imbecile
- innocent
- jackass
- jerk
- lightweight
- loon
- moron
- nerd
- nincompoop
- ninny
- nitwit
- numskull
- oaf
- sap
- schlemiel
- silly
- simple
- simpleton
- stooge
- sucker
- tomfool
- turkey
- twit
- victim
- dumb ox
- easy mark
- fair game
- halfwit
- lamebrain
- mooncalf
- softhead
twerp 的反义词 2 个
等同于 tomfool
twerp 的近义词 50 个
- ass
- birdbrain
- blockhead
- bonehead
- boob
- bore
- buffoon
- clod
- clown
- cretin
- dimwit
- dolt
- dope
- dunce
- dunderhead
- fathead
- goose
- idiot
- ignoramus
- illiterate
- imbecile
- innocent
- jackass
- jerk
- lightweight
- loon
- moron
- nerd
- nincompoop
- ninny
- nitwit
- numskull
- oaf
- sap
- schlemiel
- silly
- simple
- simpleton
- stooge
- sucker
- turkey
- twit
- victim
- dumb ox
- easy mark
- fair game
- halfwit
- lamebrain
- mooncalf
- softhead
twerp 的反义词 2 个
等同于 turkey
twerp 的近义词 50 个
- ass
- birdbrain
- blockhead
- bonehead
- boob
- bore
- buffoon
- clod
- clown
- cretin
- dimwit
- dolt
- dope
- dunce
- dunderhead
- fathead
- goose
- idiot
- ignoramus
- illiterate
- imbecile
- innocent
- jackass
- jerk
- lightweight
- loon
- moron
- nerd
- nincompoop
- ninny
- nitwit
- numskull
- oaf
- sap
- schlemiel
- silly
- simple
- simpleton
- stooge
- sucker
- turkey
- twit
- victim
- dumb ox
- easy mark
- fair game
- halfwit
- lamebrain
- mooncalf
- softhead
twerp 的反义词 2 个
等同于 fool
twerp 的近义词 46 个
- ass
- boob
- buffoon
- clown
- idiot
- jerk
- moron
- nerd
- nitwit
- stooge
- sucker
- twit
- birdbrain
- blockhead
- bonehead
- bore
- clod
- cretin
- dimwit
- dolt
- dope
- dunce
- dunderhead
- fathead
- goose
- ignoramus
- illiterate
- imbecile
- innocent
- lightweight
- loon
- nincompoop
- ninny
- numskull
- oaf
- sap
- schlemiel
- silly
- simpleton
- turkey
- victim
- dumb ox
- easy mark
- fair game
- halfwit
- lamebrain
twerp 的反义词 2 个
- “Melissa the Twerp”Not everyone who writes or calls into Car Talk loves Car Talk.
- Naturally, they invited her on to co-host on November 5, 1994, an episode later titled, “Melissa the Twerp.”
- Any man can find a twerp here and there who will go along with cheating, and it doesn't take all that much manhood.
- Trask remembered him as an insufferable young twerp, but he seemed to be a good shipyard man.
- I've been running this twerp back to his masters to see where he went.