rottenness / ˈrɒt n /


rottenness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

rot·ten·er, rot·ten·est.

  1. decomposing or decaying; putrid; tainted, foul, or bad-smelling.
  2. corrupt or morally offensive.
  3. wretchedly bad, unpleasant, or unsatisfactory; miserable: a rotten piece of work; a rotten day at the office.
  4. contemptible; despicable: a rotten little liar; a rotten trick.
  5. soft, yielding, or friable as the result of decomposition.
  6. Australian Slang. drunk.

rottenness 近义词


等同于 pollution


等同于 putrefaction


等同于 putrescence


等同于 putridness


等同于 smuttiness


等同于 spoilage


等同于 uncleanness


等同于 vulgarism


等同于 contamination


等同于 corruption


等同于 dirt


等同于 filth


  1. It’s rather that the United States, sited on stolen lands and built by enslaved workers, was founded on rotten principles.
  2. This raft can be chunks of wet rotten wood, fresh cut live wood or anything in between.
  3. Trust your eyes and, more importantly, your nose, to avoid rotten fruit.
  4. In winter, you’ll have to make sure you don’t eat a rotten one.
  5. Part of that may be rotten luck, but clock management contributed to that record.
  6. But each and every one of them has personal experience of the rottenness of the system.
  7. Intrigue and Love even aims full at the rottenness and corruption of the actual time.
  8. The rottenness of the ground gave chances, and made it hazardous.
  9. Here, with graphic realism, and yet with perfect delicacy, its terrible rottenness is indicated.
  10. The weight of this rottenness lay heaviest of all on the labouring poor, who stood undermost in the social scale.
  11. Of course, you want to be nice and mellow with the trade, but always remember that mellowness carried too far becomes rottenness.