distortion 的定义
- an act or instance of distorting.
- the state of being distorted or the relative degree or amount by which something is distorted or distorts.
- anything that is distorted, as a sound, image, fact, etc.
- Optics. an aberration of a lens or system of lenses in which the magnification of the object varies with the lateral distance from the axis of the lens.
distortion 近义词
deformity; falsification
- That “news staffer” needs a leader at Fox News with some standing, someone who could stand up to the multimillionaires who pack the prime-time schedule with lies and distortions.
- Another perk of this lens shape is less distortion and glare.
- The price distortions of stocks in the index turbocharge the small-cap advantage.
- Our autobiographical memories are subject to all kinds of distortions—what psychologist Daniel Schacter cheekily calls “sins of commission.”
- In particular, the researchers look for distortions caused by gravitational waves — ripples in space-time that, when they pass through the pulsars, change the blips’ arrival time on Earth.
- And yet, even while seldom leaving the capital, they offer a perspective on the city that tilts toward distortion.
- Second, however, dealing with TEKS at all means distortion, or worse.
- Disguise, distortion, and deception were accepted as reality.
- No doubt she's right, but wouldn't the best solution be to do away with the market distortion at the root of the problem?
- Great TV shows reflect our lives back at us, even if it is with the fun-house distortion that sitcoms routinely pull off.
- "Come nearer, Tatsu San," he whispered, forcing his face into the distortion of a smile.
- No distortion of countenance, or aukward behaviour; no absence of mind; but to keep the Graces always in remembrance.
- In fig. 72 distortion is carried too far; this figure is merely used as an illustration.
- The street was empty and the acute sound of their steps struck in fantastic distortion against the city of silence.
- We get some gravity, some magnetic, and some electrostatic field distortion, too.