misstatement / mɪsˈsteɪt /


misstatement 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

mis·stat·ed, mis·stat·ing.

  1. to state wrongly or misleadingly; make a wrong statement about.

misstatement 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. A previous version of this report misstated the last name of Arlington Schools Superintendent Francisco Durán.
  2. It also misstated the regulatory change sought by Bates’ private seawall bill.
  3. Wednesday’s North County Report misstated the Oceanside planning commission’s most recent stance on North River Farms.
  4. The debate was, in fact, the fourth time he misstated what happened.
  5. The SEC has previously fined and helped prosecute government officials who purposefully misstated financial information related to bond transactions.
  6. CORRECTION: Because of an editing error, this article contained a misstatement about grants of citizenship versus living permits.
  7. How that squared with his original misstatement was never clear.
  8. Dan'l smiled in a way that admitted his misstatement; he shook his head.
  9. In order that there may be no misstatement of our amiable critic's position, it will be best to quote his own words.
  10. It is easy for a politician detected in a misstatement to take refuge in evasive rhetorical hyperbole.
  11. They are the phenomena of mortal mind, and matter and mortal mind are one; and this one is a misstatement of Mind, God.
  12. Misstatement has caused an immense deal of bloodshed and bitterness among Christians.