poormouth 的定义
- a person who continually complains about a lack of money.
- a plea or complaint of poverty, often as an excuse for not contributing to charities, paying bills, etc.
poormouth 近义词
等同于 diminish
等同于 minimize
poormouth 的近义词 35 个
- curtail
- decrease
- diminish
- downplay
- lessen
- play down
- reduce
- underestimate
- abbreviate
- attenuate
- belittle
- cheapen
- decry
- deprecate
- depreciate
- derogate
- detract
- discount
- disparage
- dwarf
- knock
- miniaturize
- pan
- pooh-pooh
- prune
- shrink
- underplay
- cut down to size
- cut rate
- knock down
- make light of
- make little of
- poor-mouth
- put down
- run down
poormouth 的反义词 20 个
等同于 smear
等同于 decry
poormouth 的近义词 47 个
- belittle
- condemn
- denounce
- minimize
- abuse
- asperse
- calumniate
- censure
- defame
- depreciate
- derogate
- detract
- devalue
- diminish
- discount
- discredit
- disgrace
- disparage
- downgrade
- hit
- knock
- lower
- malign
- pan
- rap
- reprehend
- reprobate
- slam
- traduce
- underestimate
- underrate
- undervalue
- vilify
- bad-mouth
- cry down
- do a number on
- dump on
- mark down
- opprobriate
- poor-mouth
- put down
- rail against
- run down
- take away
- take swipe at
- throw stones at
- write off
poormouth 的反义词 18 个
等同于 demean
- Placed in drinking water, fluoride can serve people who otherwise have poor access to dental care.
- If so, he has his silence -- on top of poor judgment -- to blame.
- But most likely it was linked to the way priests identify with the poor in the face of government and criminal abuses.
- What they actually mean by that is, you know, he actually knows some people that are poor.
- For those living in poor communities in particular, interactions with police rarely come with good news and a smile.
- Poor Squinty ran and tried to hide under the straw, for he knew the boy was talking about him.
- Aristide washed and powdered Jean himself, the landlord lounging by, pipe in mouth, administering suggestions.
- He did believe you, more or less, and what you said fell in with his own impressions—strange impressions that they were, poor man!
- Sol got up, slowly; took a backward step into the yard; filled his lungs, opened his mouth, made his eyes round.
- In withdrawing aside sorrow remaineth: and the substance of the poor is according to his heart.