denigrate / ˈdɛn ɪˌgreɪt /


denigrate 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

den·i·grat·ed, den·i·grat·ing.

  1. to speak damagingly of; criticize in a derogatory manner; sully; defame: to denigrate someone's character.
  2. to treat or represent as lacking in value or importance; belittle; disparage: to denigrate someone's contributions to a project.
  3. Archaic. to make black; darken: rain clouds denigrating the sky.

denigrate 近义词

v. 动词 verb

belittle, malign


  1. Still, in the web’s ghastly crawl spaces, a series of inflammatory subreddits and Facebook groups are cropping up to declare Laundrie the real victim in this weeks-long drama, and denigrating Petito herself as the abuser.
  2. So instead of feeling denigrated or ostracized, they feel seen and valued as part of the academic community.
  3. The reality, though, is that Carlson is espousing an obviously false line in an effort to both denigrate Democrats as desperate and to cast immigrants as a dangerous force aimed at toppling America as we know it.