dam 的 2 个定义
- a barrier to obstruct the flow of water, especially one of earth, masonry, etc., built across a stream or river.
- a body of water confined by a dam.
- any barrier resembling a dam.
dammed, dam·ming.
- to furnish with a dam; obstruct or confine with a dam.
- to stop up; block up.
dam 近义词
embankment, wall
hold back; block
- If someone clicks on a search at 3 AM, Google will find the electricity to power that query from a battery, wind turbine, solar panel, hydroelectric dam, or some other carbon-free technology at that precise moment.
- Already, droughts regularly threaten food crops across the West, while destructive floods inundate towns and fields from the Dakotas to Maryland, collapsing dams in Michigan and raising the shorelines of the Great Lakes.
- McKay was drawn to this region because of an impending dam project, but rather than focus on conservation alone, he explores a person’s spiritual connection to a resource.
- As dams form ponds, more liquid water can come in contact with ice in the ground.
- There is no doubt that the dam has become a source of serious tension among Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan.
- A dam now in place on the Thai side of the line prevents the railway from being reconstructed in its entirety, he explains.
- When the family was fine, or when a cruel employee at the dam was behind the flood, God was left out of the explanation.
- For example, he added, many highly valuable Western hostages are held in an ISIS prison beneath a dam near Raqqa.
- The Arizona senator described a provision inserted into the debt deal appropriating $2 billion for a Kentucky dam as "disgusting."
- No single joke can topple a tyrant, but each one is a small stone cast at an already fractured dam.
- They heard how in the early spring in the meadow by the mill-dam Tim and I had stopped our ploughs to draw lots and he had lost.
- For that matter, he said, he didn't care a tinker's dam if we were; he had grub and bedding and we were welcome to both.
- The great Dam at Assouan was just completed and we traversed its entire length on a trolley propelled by natives.
- The dam was completed, booms and cribbing placed, ledges blasted out well within the six months' period set for those operations.
- Then if each end of the log is on the upper side of the trees, the harder the water pounds the tighter the dam gets.