cropper / ˈkrɒp ər /


cropper 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person or thing that crops.
  2. a person who raises a crop.
  3. a person who cultivates land for its owner in return for part of the crop; sharecropper.
  4. a plant that furnishes a crop.
  5. a cloth-shearing machine.

cropper 近义词


等同于 peasant


等同于 snag


等同于 comedown


等同于 decline


等同于 farmer


  1. Despite some electoral successes, these efforts have largely come a cropper, especially with the defeat of Mitt Romney in 2012.
  2. It was a beastly cropper—this wedding mess—and I've gone to pieces over it, for I did love Rosamond awfully.
  3. Crikey, you should 'a seen 'im come a cropper on his nut down them new steps.
  4. She began to wonder very much what was the matter with Rupert, and guessed that he had "come an awful cropper" of some kind.
  5. My colloquial Japanese comes a cropper now and then—but I get what I want, which is the main thing.
  6. This view illustrates a double cropper in which both the spirals are controlled by one belt.