drag / dræg /


drag4 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

dragged, drag·ging.

  1. to draw with force, effort, or difficulty; pull heavily or slowly along; haul; trail: They dragged the carpet out of the house.
  2. to search with a drag, grapnel, or the like: They dragged the lake for the body of the missing man.
  3. to level and smooth with a drag or harrow.
v. 无主动词 verb

dragged, drag·ging.

  1. to be drawn or hauled along.
  2. to trail on the ground.
  3. to move heavily or with effort.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Nautical. a designed increase of draft toward the stern of a vessel.resistance to the movement of a hull through the water.any of a number of weights dragged cumulatively by a vessel sliding down ways to check its speed.any object dragged in the water, as a sea anchor.any device for dragging the bottom of a body of water to recover or detect objects.
  2. Agriculture. a heavy wooden or steel frame drawn over the ground to smooth it.
  3. Slang. someone or something tedious; a bore: It's a drag having to read this old novel.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. marked by or involving the wearing of clothing, makeup, and accessories typically associated with a different sex: They’re so talented at drag makeup.

drag 近义词

v. 动词 verb

haul something to a new place

n. 名词 noun

bad situation

n. 名词 noun

a puff while smoking

drag 的近义词 5
v. 动词 verb

move very slowly


  • drag in
  • drag on
  • drag one's ass
  • drag one's feet
  • drag queen
  • a drag
  • in drag
  • look like something the cat dragged in
  • main drag
  • wild horses wouldn't drag me


  1. Though the vast majority of stocks––including beaten down financials and airlines––proved resilient over that period, their numbers and strength weren’t nearly sufficient to offset the drag from the falling tech titans.
  2. How to vote in your stateBut the president’s ratings overall and on his handling of the coronavirus pandemic are in negative territory and are a drag on his candidacy.
  3. If the poll result gets dragged out, or, gasp, gets contested, that will add all kinds of volatility to the markets.
  4. For smaller kids, try dragging a mattress out of the bedroom, propping it against a couch, and encouraging your little ones to scramble to the “peak” at the top.
  5. What had never been done was mobilizing drag artists all over the country in service of getting out the vote.
  6. This breach is an extraordinary emotional drag on the exhausted population.
  7. Is this your first time dressing in drag, or have you ever had an Ed Wood moment?
  8. I went to dinner with Christian and he talked about Guitar Drag and I suddenly realized I was going to write about it.
  9. What it did do was drag him down, as though my shot had dropped him into the dunk tank at the state fair.
  10. Nicki Minaj popularized “yaaasssss” with her song “Yasss Bish” and she claims the pronunciation has roots in drag-queen culture.
  11. We, Watsons, are waiting for him to step forward and drag various dark mysteries into the light of day.
  12. Alcee Arobin and Mrs. Highcamp called for her one bright afternoon in Arobin's drag.
  13. He found such delight in playing that it was frequently necessary to drag him by force from the instrument.
  14. Frenziedly she caught at the heavy oaken table, and began to drag it across the room as Garnache had begged her.
  15. If you take hold of your dress on both sides, in that way, and drag it up so high, you will be set down as a raw country girl.