rusticate / ˈrʌs tɪˌkeɪt /


rusticate2 个定义

v. 无主动词 verb

rus·ti·cat·ed, rus·ti·cat·ing.

  1. to go to the country.
  2. to stay or sojourn in the country.
v. 有主动词 verb

rus·ti·cat·ed, rus·ti·cat·ing.

  1. to send to or domicile in the country.
  2. to make rustic, as persons or manners.
  3. to finish so as to produce or suggest rustication.
  4. British. to suspend from a university as punishment.

rusticate 近义词


等同于 retire


等同于 banish


等同于 superannuate


  1. To him the Toba valley served well enough as a place to rusticate.
  2. For four months the most energetic man in the Army was able to rusticate.
  3. "I wonder what possessed the governor to rusticate," thought Dacres as he turned away.
  4. He told me that he was on the look-out for a quiet, unfrequented place on the sea-shore, where he might rusticate and sketch.
  5. No one else taking up the cudgels for poor Charles, the Master said he was afraid he must rusticate him.